Quick Start

The functionality of dRep is broken up into modules. The modules can be run separately (see Module Descriptions), or together in workflows. To see a list of the available modules, check the help:

$ dRep -h

               ...::: dRep v2.0.0 :::...

 Choose one of the operations below for more detailed help.
 Example: dRep dereplicate -h

   dereplicate  -> Combine several of the operations below to de-replicate a genome list
   compare      -> Simply compare a list of genomes

 Single operations:
   filter          -> Filter a genome list based on size, completeness, and/or contamination
   cluster         -> Compare and cluster a genome list based on MASH and ANIn/gANI
   choose          -> Choose the best genome from each genome cluster
   evaluate        -> Evaluate genome de-replication
   bonus           -> Other random operations (currently just determine taxonomy)
   analyze         -> Make figures related to the above operations; test alternative clustering


De-replication is the process of identifying groups of genomes that are the “same” in a genome set, and removing all but the “best” genome from each redundant set. How similar genomes need to be to be considered “same”, how the “best” genome is chosen, and other options can be adjusted (see Choosing parameters)

To de-replicate a set of genomes, run the following command:

$ dRep dereplicate outout_directory -g path/to/genomes/*.fasta

This will automatically de-replicate the genome list and produce lots of information about it.

See also

Example Output
to view example output
Choosing parameters
for guidance changing parameters

Genome comparison

dRep is able to perform rapid genome comparisons for a group of genomes and visualize their relatedness. For example:

$ dRep compare_wf output_directory -g path/to/genomes/*.fasta

For help understanding the output, see Example Output

To change the comparison parameters, see Choosing parameters

See also

Example Output
to view example output
Choosing parameters
for guidance changing parameters